Thursday, September 6, 2012


Maybe this will date me, but my Mum has always talked about   what happens when "an irresistible force meeting an immovable object."* I do not think people talk about that much anymore. That may be due to the whole postmodernism thing, though Miss Language assures me postmodernism is not a simple to grasp as I think - still, it does seem to have a level of uncertainty, perhaps not compatible with absolutes such as irresistibility or immovability, and so, maybe irresistible forces or immovable objects have mainly ceased to exist. 

But there remains at least one of each, currently residing under our roof. Mr Music is an irresistible force (ask anyone whose had to bat against his pitching), and, once again this year, he has impacted the immovable object of Distribution of Multiplication Over Addition in his math text. And it results in some sort of endless transfer of energy.

* be sure to check the fun link. The pizza reply is especially insightful.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it depends on your frame of reference. From the frame of reference of the immovable object, the irresistible force has met its match and has dissipated. From the frame of reference of the irresistible force, the immovable object has met its match and become mobile. In any other frame, its a great time to order a pizza with toppings to assess the situation.


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