Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Summer Adventure

Miss Pink has pretty much let me know I need more adventure in my life, so I want everyone to know I have taken that to heart and embraced adventure galore. Today I went to Wal*Mart. I usually park here:
but today, just to be adventurous, I parked in the next row over. You need to understand, my usual spot was available. I did this purely for the thrill of the thing. The new spot (btw, this is our car, Scarlett):
I thought that would be the end of the adventure and decided to photograph it for evidence. That turned out to be not the best idea. Mr Normal Customer, who was parking, became concerned at me taking photos in a public spot. He asked me what I thought I was doing, anyhow. So I explained about my blog, and about Miss Pink, and about seizing adventure by the horns. For some reason he seemed incredulous. 

If the FBI shows up to arrest me for terrorist behavior, I probably won't be blogging for awhile. But, that would be a whole new level of adventure, so it's all good.


  1. Laughing out loud. Literally. :D Way to adventure!

  2. I love your boldness in going different!

    Just remember that Walmart was probably photographing you at the same time!


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