Our '96 Grand Voyager, Cocoa, was declared beyond resuscitation today by the mechanics, so we sold her for about what we spent on two new tires for her about a month ago and lost money due to the gas tank being almost full. It is a sad day but I understand her transmission will be transplanted into another car to relieve its suffering, and who knows, other parts may be salvageable as well.
We spent awhile at the dealership, making final arrangements, as it were, and I noticed that if anyone there was going 'round hungry, they were out of luck.
We spent awhile at the dealership, making final arrangements, as it were, and I noticed that if anyone there was going 'round hungry, they were out of luck.
Goodbye, Cocoa! So sad! I'm sure the service was lovely, but I hope you didn't have Lance to cater the funeral reception!