Monday, July 9, 2012

In Case You Were Wondering

Every time I buy canned salmon, I idly wonder about the shape of the can, why is is unique to salmon? Today I actually remembered to ask Google.  :) 

It seems that when canning started the cans were made of three pieces, just like you find surface area of a cylinder, two circular ends and the rectangle that wraps around the side. But then they decided it was more efficient to make the bottom and sides out of a single piece and just add the lid. And they found that if they sloped the sides in, the cans could be nested for more efficient storage and shipping of empty cans.

Which leads to the question: why is only salmon sold in this shape can? Apparently that is because most canneries are large enough to have the can manufacturing itself right there and shipping is not an issue - but since salmon is mainly from Alaska, the cans are shipped in empty, filled, and shipped out again.

Please let me know if you find anything else canned in that shape, because then Google would have some more explaining to do.  :)

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