Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ticked Off

Now that we live, essentially, in a cabin in the woods, let me just say I HATE TICKS!
Devastatingly Handsome has a jar full of rubbing alcohol to drown the ones he picks off our dear doggie. Bleh. I just added one from my neck. Bleh. All I did was innocently plant out some basil and parsley and lavender. Bleh. I am going to take a bath in boiling betadine. Bleh.

They are vile. Disgusting. Abominable. Repulsive. Disturbing. Gross. Offensive. Contemptible. Revolting.

And how on earth did the expression "ticked off" come to mean angry? Isn't being ticked off good? I want to be ticked off permanently. I HATE being ticked on.


  1. Oh, I hate them too--and they're so small to see. It's been a long time since I've read blogs, but you're the first person I want to catch up with--miss you! The ChickadeeFeeder

  2. Ick. And welcome to my world. We do tick checks from early spring until late fall around here, and even then you still have to be on the lookout for the hardy winter variety.

    This will be a bad year for pests because most parts of the country had a mild winter. Sprinkle brewer's yeast powder on your dog's food. It helps keep off all but the hardiest (most desperate?) fleas and ticks.

    Peace and Laughter!

  3. I carry a small jar of Vaseline in my Boy Scout emergency kit. A small dab of Vaseline on the tick will cause it to back out (if it has latched on for a drink). It's easy removal.


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