Saturday, February 11, 2012

Burglars and Bananas in the News

I am very loudly in denial of the virtual white-out outside my window here and dreaming of my upcoming trip to Barbados and blogging instead of mentioning anything at all about hating snow.

AnyasFriendMe who also happens to be TobysBrotherMe and whose blog appears to be in even deeper hibernation than this one, sent me a message about a news item about bananas. It is at a site with the duh name of . Makes me want to start one called or . But those are truisms, not blogs. Anyhow... here is the link of interest for those of us who like to carpe bananas. My dear bro commented that 

The only thing I found interesting in the comments was that three people who are allergic to bananas bothered to read and comment on an article about how good they are. I wouldn't waste my time reading an article on why kittens make great pets.

My thoughts on this post are 1) I do not think the writer has English as a first language and 2) if you try out the wart thing, let me know. I can just see strapping a peel to my leg or whatever and then telling people, "oh yes, it's a famous wart treatment."

However, this item about a burglar breaking in and folding laundry and preparing dinner is liable to make women across America think twice about home security. It also reminds me of a dream from many years ago, I think it was Miss Language who woke from a Really Scary Dream about a burglar who broke in during the night here and was making coffee and playing the piano. I much prefer the chore-oriented burglar if it is up to me. I foresee a new future for those security stickers that go on door windows:
This property not protected by dust bunnies only. Cleaning supplies are under the sink. I like my food spicy but please save some out  bland for DH. Make yourself at home and be sure to tidy up after yourself.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to know that a life of crime does not have to be a life of grime. Even criminals can leave the world better than they found it. Maybe we just need train a group of kinder, gentler criminals who only go after dust bunnies and wrinkled clothing.


Leave your bananas here, please. :)