Monday, October 31, 2011

Serious Wrongdoing

We were in the Big City today when the driver in front of us turned left on a red light. Devastatingly Handsome commented and Mr Music wanted to know what was so bad about it. So we talked about that being the kind of mistake that is more likely to kill people than to result in a fender bender.

And then came one of those moments when I am pretty convinced I have been homeschooling a little too long.

I heard myself say, "It's not as bad by dividing by zero, but it is very dangerous."


  1. I was in a car with an off-duty State Trooper once and we saw the same. After his negative comment, I asked "Could he have gone right on red here?" 'Yes.' "Could he have done a u-turn on the other road?" 'Yes.' "So he could have gone straight then and ended up doing the same thing legally, so what's the difference?" For some reason, he was not convinced by my logic.

  2. I couldn't get a picture in my head of this because you drive on the other side of the road to us and I couldn't picture where all the traffic was. I had to imagine that it was the same as turning right on a red light in Australia for the picture to work. Mike asked me the other day how many zeros there were in something and I had difficulty getting across that it can't be done. It is a difficult concept for 8 year olds.


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