Sunday, March 27, 2011

So That's What He Was Thinking

I like to keep an art print hanging out in the schoolroom. This week I put up John Singer Sargent's Portrait of a Boy.

This one has always bugged Mr Music and Miss Dance, who just think the Boy is bored to tears.

So last night I came in to see Mr Music had added a caption to rescue the mute Boy:


  1. ha ha, that SO looks like something that would happen at my house!

    thanks for letting me know about your new blog. i am very derelict at blog-reading anymore --basically i just don't-- so a special invitation is just what i needed. :-) i do occasionally remember that i was going to keep in touch with you and my other non-facebooking blog friends via email... one of these days... who knows- maybe i will even start blogging again. (i think about it a lot, but don't hold your breath unless you see pigs flying past your window. :-) meanwhile, i will try to remember to get over here and read! :-)

  2. Why am I wearing my sister's shirt??
    And my shoes hurt my toes. ...



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